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Hillary is No One’s Victim, She Has Herself to Blame

Hillary Clinton has missed the point again, but should we really be surprised?  She claims that the right wing media have been constantly harassing her and blistering her campaign time after time.  She claims to be the victim of the right wing conspiracy.  What a load of bull, Hillary has no one to blame but Hillary.

Hillary has done nothing to show she deserves our trust.  Her avoidance of the media is most distasteful.  For a period of time she answered only six (6) questions over a period of months compared to the several hundred her Republican counterparts answer on a weekly basis.  Many think it’s no big deal that she’s doing what she’s doing, but for those who do not get a chance to see a politician on their soapbox we rely on the news outlets and other media to read up on the candidate and their stances on the various issues.  Also it shows how they perform under pressure for the most pressure filled office in the history of the world.  So far she has been found lacking.

Lack of Judgement

But how is she a victim?  She just about claims that the GOP has bullied her on the issues, more recently the emails that she deleted.  Also she never signed her separation agreement as required by the State Foreign Affairs department, but Secretaries Rice and Powell failed to sign the document as well when leaving their posts as Secretary of State.  She claims she handled her email just like others before her.

Her predecessors did not have their own email servers.  Also they did not tell their employees to do not use private email accounts.  But apparently this did not apply to her because she had her own email server.  Another poor taste of accountability and not holding oneself to the same accountability.

When she was home cooking the emails from the server she claimed only to eliminate only personal emails.  No one outside of the tabloids are going to care about your truly personal emails, but to not even allow an independent review to determine which were truly personal is outright arrogance and cowardice.  To make things worse now we have learned that several of the emails given by Secretary Clinton have been “Retroactively Classified”.  This goes into another avoidable exercise in poor judgement, you never can assume what you converse about would never be classified.

Now you have the National Archives and Records Administration looking for explanation into Hillary’s email practices.  Now most people would say so what?  But it’s important to maintain integrity of the national archives and not manipulate the record of fact from her or any government post.

Email Scandal

New York Times Reporter Explains How He Broke Clinton Email Story | Huffington Post

Hillary claims that the right wing media keeps harassing her about her email server.  In reality we found out about the email server from The New York Times, definitely not right wing politics.  She claims that the State Department would be able to retrieve emails from the people she sent them to, this is an outright lie and she missed the point.  You don’t try to retrieve email from the destination, it too costly and not guaranteed to be there.  You try to retrieve emails from the source when it comes to an audit, this is why Congress wants Lois Lerner’s emails.

I am an IT professional, I create solutions globally for organizations from the very top in value to the lowest.  There is no possible way for a private email server sitting in one’s house, no matter if it is one for a former President, that is secure as one sitting in a monitored, backed up and secure facility.  Assume her email server has been hacked, we do not know for a fact it has been compromised, but you do not make public the sources of intelligence if it comes from a clandestine resource.  What she did was have her own email server to circumvent the ability to audit her email activity, including correspondence with Sidney Blumenthal.

This is the very Mr. Blumenthal that President Obama forbade Hillary Clinton from hiring Sidney Blumenthal into the State Department so she hired him into The Clinton Foundation paid Blumenthal at around $10K per month.  This is not a problem if he was not consulting Hillary on Benghazi, while he most likely was not the only one to be consulting her, but she sent replies to encourage him to send her more.  Also since he was forbade from working for the State Department why is she soliciting him about Benghazi?  Also why is a Clinton Foundation resource advising a government official when there is allegedly no conflict of interest?

Benghazi Scandal

This is where the bodies hit the floor in the form of our Ambassador to Lybia John Christopher Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith and two CIA operatives Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods who were both former Navy SEALs.  The reason why this is a big issue for Hillary is the role her State Department played in the tragedy which was entirely preventable.

We know about the memos that Ambassador Stevens had written for requesting additional security personnel.  We also know that Charlene Lamb denied those requests stating that US trained Libya personnel should be able to handle the security needs.  When you have a country without a strong central government or without an experienced security staff you need to supplement them with additional security personnel.   This is needed regardless of budget to make sure the people who work for you are not left abandoned when they need them most.

The Tragic Mogadishu Irony

In a most tragic irony this is the same way that President Bill Clinton’s administration cost the lives of those involved in Task Force Ranger, Operation Restore Hope and the Battle of Mogadishu.  It is known that President Clinton’s Secretary of Defense, Les Aspin, denied General William Garrison’s request for the deployment of the Immediate Ready Company (IRC).  The IRC was part of the 24th Mechanized Infantry Division, which has since been re-flagged under the 3rd Infantry Division, can have boots on the ground in support of operations in 18 hours and fully operational shortly after that.  With the order of battle the IRC would have brought to the mission many of those lost would still be alive today.

While Bill nor Hillary were responsible for this, it does paint a picture in the blind trust in their appointees and claim ignorance when tragedy befalls them.  I know this is a far stretch from Benghazi, but it just shows how much lack of accountability one has with one of them in the highest political office and the highest civilian political appointment in international affairs.

It may look like I am anti-Democratic Party or anti-Clinton, but I am far from it.  I was once a registered Democrat Party member as I was once a Republican Party member, but I am a registered independent now.  Also I voted for Bill Clinton the first time, but did not vote in the second election.  Also if Hillary would have won the nomination I would have most likely voted for her in the general election.  But she did not win the nomination because she and her pantsuits are so incredibly stale she literally bored the electorate to tears.

Hillary’s problem is she does not Bill when it comes to speaking and charisma.Now after looking at her failure and lack of ANY accomplishment during her time in as Secretary of State makes people wonder what type of resume does she have to really stand on?  Also instead of addressing the issues like the other party has she just hides behind roped up reporters, motorcades and sunglasses.  We want answers to our questions, but all we have gotten was excuses she wants to spend more time with the voting public.  This works in New Hampshire, but will fail once you get to the true battleground states like Florida, Texas, Ohio and so on.

She may be running against the GOP at the end, but it is all of the media who want to ask questions and get answers and so far the GOP have been the only ones that have been doing so.  Also she needs to realize the registered GOP or Democrat Parties are not the ones who lead to her winning the election, it is going to be the Independent Voters who are going to determine the winner.  While she is dodging the questions we are getting answers from the GOP and in doing so the only reason why she won’t win is because of the actions of Hillary Clinton.


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