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Same Sex Marriage is Deemed Constitutional America, Get Over It’s Done

It is time we as a nation get over the marriage issue; it is done unless a constitutional amendment is passed to outlaw it specifically.  This does not force marriages to be allowed in a church or be recognized under god, but allowed to go to the justice of the peace to change their relationship status to married.  It is about time they got it done.  While Obama and Clinton came out in 2008 in support of traditional marriage, but as often what most politicians do they change their minds to fit convenience of getting elected.  Also as those two has shown in the past they would sell your national pride and security for their political legacies and their financial security.

But today the court got it right, I know my other blog topics make me look like a staunch conservative, but I am actually center-right or center-left just like I said I am.  This was long overdue, we have come to accept many persons of the LBTG community, this was the last thing that was needed to set things right.  Now I say to my LGBT friends, congratulations to what was long over and now it’s done, the rest is on you.

Today was truly historical when the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) came out in a 5-4 majority that same sex marriage is protected under the constitution.  An argument that was going to be a hot topic on the campaign trail got put to rest finally when SCOTUS stated that the rights to marry is protected for all couples, hetero or homosexual.  Under the 14th amendment, the Equal Protection Clause, the court determined same sex marriage is legal as the court found when determining other controversial ones in their days like interracial marriage.  Also the 1st amendment, the Establishment Clause to be specific, prohibits the government from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion.”  Both were cited during today’s proceedings.

I think to describe it best the responsibility the petitioners wanted to take on as penned by Justice Anthony Kennedy in writing the majority opinion.

“No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.”

Now this did not stop the religious right from trying to convey their opinions, which is their right to do so, in each of their dissenting opinions some of their arguments are not applicable to the ironic.  I mean people want to be married in the eyes of the law, not god.  This allows these couples who truly love each other to run down to the justice of the peace and tie the knot.  None of these marriages would be recognized by any religion, while some may be practicing in their faith to a certain extent, but that’s not what this is about.

How Much the Marriage Tax Penalty Will Cost You | US News

They just want to take part in the act so they can partake in the laws and society that they have been excluded from partaking in.  And they are also willing to pay more in taxes which is what married couples do who fall into the 25% tax bracket which a good majority of them may very well do.

Here were some of the comments that stood out in today’s hearings from the court from the dissenters.

The best-worst quotes from Supreme Court Justices who dissented against gay marriage | Fusion.net

Chief Justice John Roberts

“The dictionary defines marriage as…”

After yesterday blindly ignoring what states was clearly defined in the SCOTUScare garbage he has no rights on saying what the definition of anything is.

“It is pretentious to believe that we know better than those who opposed gay marriage before us.”

Again we thought it was pretentious to believe we knew that the judiciary did not write laws, but you screwed the pooch on that one yesterday so why should we care now.

Justice Antonin Scalia

“The Supreme Court is not diverse enough to allow gay marriage, and “California does not count” as the West.”

“The Supreme Court is not populist enough to allow gay marriage”

When Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to add more justices to the bench who were older than 85 it was deemed unconstitutional, and most likely they were right.  But if a President wanted to add more justices and pass something that would countermand the Judiciary Act of 1869 and SCOTUS may find it unconstitutional as they did with FDR.  But in lieu to that we will need to wait until the current justices step down or pass on to nominate a more geographically diverse court.

“The Supreme Court Justices who rules to legalize gay marriage are bad writers.”

That’s just being a sore looser, you are not a much of a writer either.

“You don’t need to be married to be intimate, just ask the nearest hippie.”

Was not expecting this one, but if you feel that way just roll with it and we will laugh at you later.

Justice Clarence Thomas

“Slaves did not lose their dignity … because government allowed them to be enslaved.”

What does that have to do with being ostracized by nearly every community except a select few.  Maybe you can make the comparisons to slavery if this was a conversation being had during the Civil War, but since that era has been dead for 150 years we cannot ask them how they felt.

As far as the dissenters their comments are truly ironic to being outright wrong.  The problem is before this past week I have had a huge respect for the laws of this nation and SCOTUS, but after these latest rulings like many people the confidence and respect have been shaken.  But today’s ruling was a way to move forward and settle the unsettled issue so a group of people who were not allowed to marry can do so openly and legally and finally begin to live as one family instead of two legally limited individuals.  For the rest of us it is time to move on, live another day and proceed to fight again.  For we will survive as a nation no matter what we may think after the last couple days.


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